Need Help With Network Marketing? Where to Go Online for Network Marketing Tips

“I need help with network marketing” was what I heard when I picked up the phone the other night. It was my brother and he finally admitted to me that he started his own home based business. At some point in our MLM careers it happens to all of us. When you are new you just do not know much, but if you have been in this industry for a while it happens when frustration starts to sink in. Once you look past the images of fancy cars, 5-figure monthly claims and Caribbean vacations you realize MLM is not as easy as it seems. I am addicted to training and am always looking to increase my knowledge base. I spend just as much time trying to learn new things as I do actually building my business. The main reason is it increases your value and what you can offer either prospects you want to recruit, or even your own downline team so you can show them new ways to grow their businesses. Information is power and is your best tool. Invest in your education, and that does not necessarily mean to keep spending money. For those who market on the internet especially, be on the constant lookout for online network marketing tips.

One of the best places to go to find network marketing tips online is to hang out with fellow MLMers. Blogs, forums, video sharing and social networking sites are four easy and free ways to connect and find help online.

BetterNetworker online is an online forum and an absolute fantastic source to connect with other network marketers. Many of the online MLM gurus are featured contributors, each with their own specialty. If there is a particular strategy that you think best suits your style, then check out a relevant contributor’s blog and subscribe to their online training or news feed.

If you like to do all the nitty gritty stuff on your own, or for whatever reasons have to, then YouTube is great for finding videos on the “how to” stuff. It is one of the best free online training resources to help you with your network marketing business. If you want to learn how to install a blog or set up an auto responder, then YouTube is the place to be. You can also find instructional tutorials on key strategies which are also extremely valuable in growing your MLM business. Find a couple videos you like and subscribe to their channel. This way you will be alerted when a new training video is released.

The last place I will touch on is Facebook. Successful network marketers like to tell everyone how well they are doing. One main reason is because people are attracted to success and it establishes credibility. Seek out and friend people who are either fans of network marketing or in network marketing groups and companies. Any recent success or latest and greatest tips will surely be promoted in their daily status.

Just be a sponge and keep on learning.

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